Alanis Morissette Reveals Struggle With Postpartum Depression In Candid Blog Post

Alanis Morissette gave birth to her third child, a son named Winter Mercy Morissette-Treadway, back in August, but even though the 45-year-old looked absolutely stunning and healthy during her pregnancy, she suffered from postpartum depression (PPD) after giving birth. Morrissette recently opened up about her struggles in a new blog post on her website, and

Alanis Morissette gave birth to her third child, a son named Winter Mercy Morissette-Treadway, back in August, but even though the 45-year-old looked absolutely stunning and healthy during her pregnancy, she suffered from postpartum depression (PPD) after giving birth. Morrissette recently opened up about her struggles in a new blog post on her website, and she called PPD “a sneaky monkey with a machete.”

The You Oughta Know singer began the post by explaining that she wasn’t sure if she would experience PPD this time around, or, as she calls it “postpartum activity.” She says that “there are so many tentacles to this experience,” and she will break them down – and have answers, protocols, and RX’s – in a future blog post.

Right now, Morrissette admitted she still didn’t have her wits about her, as she is dealing with hormones, sleep deprivation, fogginess, physical pain, isolation, anxiety, cortisol, and recovery from childbirth. On top of that, she is dealing with integrating her new baby with her older ones, her marriage, PTSD triggers, and her body attempting to “crawl back to some semi-recognizable configuration.”

Morrissette explained that she is great at setting boundaries in some areas, and is “blind spotty” about boundaries in others. Still, she is persevering, and she still shows up no matter how broken things feel. She says that her addictions of work, over-giving, over-serving, over doing, and “over-overing” are “on 11 in a way that the body ultimately can’t sustain.”

However, she knows she can get through it because she’s done it before.

“All this said: I have been here before. I know there is another side, and the other side is greater than my PPD-riddled-temporarily-adjusted-brain could have ever imagined. As a mom. As an artist. As a wife. As a friend. As a collaborator. As a leader. As a boss. As an activist. I saw how things got richer after I came through it the last two times. I have my eye on that prize again…even as I drag my ass through the molasses,” wrote Morrissette.

The seven-time Grammy award winner said that this time she had so much support, and before she gave birth she set things up to win as much as she could. However, PPD is still a “sneaky monkey with a machete” that works his way through the psyche and body.


Alanis Morissette wrapped things up by saying that she probably won’t remember typing the post, but she has finally realized that is OK. She says she has more to write, and she will do it soon. In the meantime, she told her fans that she loves them, she is here with them, and “we’re not alone.”

