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New banners will arrive on the event wish page as the latest patch 2.7 will enter Phase II of Genshin Impact. Phase II will bring a solo rerun of Arataki Itto in the character event banners. With Arataki Itto on a rerun, it is no surprise that his signature weapon, the Redhorn Stonethresher, will be

New banners will arrive on the event wish page as the latest patch 2.7 will enter Phase II of Genshin Impact. Phase II will bring a solo rerun of Arataki Itto in the character event banners.

With Arataki Itto on a rerun, it is no surprise that his signature weapon, the Redhorn Stonethresher, will be featured on the weapon banner. Official social media channels have already announced that the Redhorn Stonethresher will be arriving as part of the upcoming Epitome Invocation. Despite being a signature weapon for Arataki Itto, its insane 88.2% Crit DMG sub-stat can also be utilized effectively by other characters as well.

The following article will explain everything related to the Redhorn Stonethresher and the characters suitable for it in Genshin Impact.

Everything about the Redhorn Stonethresher in Genshin Impact 2.7

Genshin Impact officials have already announced a new upcoming Epitome Invocation in Phase II that will feature Arataki Itto's signature weapon, the Redhorn Stonethresher, as well as Memory of Dust. The weapon banner will also have a boosted drop-rate for the following 4-star weapons:

  • The Stringless (Bow)
  • Lion's Roar (Sword)
  • Dragon's Bane (Polearm)
  • The Widsith (Catalyst)
  • Lithic Blade (Claymore)

The current banners will be available for five more days, which is why it is safe to assume that the Phase II banners will be released on June 21, 2022 at 06.00 pm.

As players may already know, Redhorn Stonethresher is a 5-star Claymore and has some insanely high sub-stats amongst other Claymores. Here is a summary of the base stats for Redhorn Stonethresher in Genshin Impact:

Level 1

  • Base ATK: 44
  • Base Sub-stat: 19.2

Level 90

  • Base ATK: 542
  • Base Sub-stat: 88.2

Interestingly, the passive of the claymore increases DEF by 28%/35%/42%/49%/56%. Additionally, normal and charged attack DMG are also increased by 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% of DEF.

Best characters for Redhorn Stonethresher in Genshin Impact

Regardless of a character being able to take advantage of its passive or not, the Redhorn Stonethresher is an excellent choice for many DPS Claymore characters in Genshin Impact.

Here is a list of characters who can take advantage of this Claymore:

  • Beidou
  • Chongyun
  • Diluc
  • Eula
  • Itto
  • Noelle
  • Razor
  • Sayu
  • Xinyan

While not all of them will benefit from the DEF oriented passive, the highest Crit DMG secondary stats are something that all characters can use to their advantage. It is a great 5-star option for Claymore users if players do not have any other suitable weapons.

However, there are also a few characters who have their entire kits based on DEF and are also Claymore users. Here is a list of all the characters who can use the Redhorn Stonethresher and also take advantage of its passive:

  • Arataki Itto
  • Noelle
  • Xinyan

Players already know Itto will be on this list, but there are also Noelle and Xinyan who have their skills scaled based on their DEF. Noelle can provide shields and heals, both of which are based on her DEF. Additionally, Noelle can increase her Elemental Burst DMG based on her DEF.

Xinyan can also create a shield that is based on DEF and, by unlocking her C6 constellation, Xinyan's charged attacks will receive an ATK bonus which is scaled 50% of her DEF.

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