Chris Brown had $300k diamond OOPS! pendant made for 4th of July party

I cant tell if Chris Brown is the tackiest, most insensitive sociopath in the music industry or if hes trying some guerilla PR campaign to keep his name in the news. You know, something along the lines of a What have I got to lose? campaign. On Saturday Chris attended Diddys first west coast White

Sean Diddy Combs, Ashton Kutcher and Malaria No More Host The White Party

I can’t tell if Chris Brown is the tackiest, most insensitive sociopath in the music industry or if he’s trying some guerilla PR campaign to keep his name in the news. You know, something along the lines of a “What have I got to lose?” campaign. On Saturday Chris attended Diddy’s first west coast White Party. It wasn’t nearly as big as his east coast versions, mostly because very few celebs confirmed their attendance until the last minute – so the press release was pretty bland.

But Chris Brown – always considerate of others – decided to help out and make sure the party got some mentions by hooking up with Kanye West’s on-again-off-again girlfriend Amber Rose all during the party. And it seems Brown was always planning on getting all the attention that night. He had a $300,000 diamond pendant custom made for the event – spelling out the word “OOPS!”

Chris Brown stunned onlookers with a giant pendant that spelled out the word “OOPS!” in diamonds after the Sean Combs “Malaria No More” White Party. We’re told by the folks who work with the jeweler’s company that Chris wanted something unapologetically bold.

“Chris has been a client of mine for some time now”, says Jason. “It’s always a pleasure to work him because it gives me a chance to be creative. He came to me with a great idea and I am very pleased with the finished product”.

Here’s the front and the back of the chain:

A source from Jason of Beverly Hills says that the necklace was about $300,000 and took 218 hours to complete with a ridiculous amount of diamonds, sapphires, and other jewels all in it. T-Pain is somewhere extra pissy right now…

[From the YBF]


Wow, Chris really is “creative.” What a great way to phrase it Jason of Beverly Hills. (Note the dripping sarcasm for those unable to catch it). Nothing is more creative than almost beating your former girlfriend to death – then poking fun at your actions. And since it seems like sarcasm is a running theme here, I’ll point out that while it’s only one word, the addition of the exclamation point sure makes it seem like one hell of a sarcastic “OOPS!” Not that we’d expect Brown to splash out $300k on a real diamond apology.

Brown was careful enough not to be photographed wearing the pendant by most of the paparazzi, but the YBF does have a photo of him wearing it that night.

Sean Diddy Combs, Ashton Kutcher and Malaria No More Host The White Party

