MUSIC VIDEO PREMIERE | Jon Patrick Walker I Wont Sit Around and Cry

Jon Patrick Walker will drop a new EP, entitled You And I, May 11. One of the tracks on the EP is I Wont Sit Around and Cry, a song about moving on from a failed romance. Rather than moping around wallowing in self-pity and bitterness, Walker chooses not to sit around and cry.

Jon Patrick Walker will drop a new EP, entitled You And I, May 11. One of the tracks on the EP is “I Won’t Sit Around and Cry,” a song about moving on from a failed romance. Rather than moping around wallowing in self-pity and bitterness, Walker chooses not to “sit around and cry.”

Since the age of eight, when he began acting professionally, Walker has never lacked for work, playing in a multitude of films, television shows, and on Broadway. In High Fidelity, he played Bruce Springsteen; in 1969, he was John Lennon. He’s also performed in high-profile shows like Law & Order, Sex and the City, and Blue Bloods. At the present juncture, Walker plays the role of petulant King George in Hamilton. His portrayal has received rave reviews.

Through it all, Walker’s love for music lingered in the background, waiting for a chance to step into the limelight. About five years ago, music got tired of waiting and pushed its way forward, and Walker started writing and recording. The result? Two albums and now an imminent EP.

“I Won’t Sit Around and Cry” features a mellow folk-pop melody riding a nimble acoustic guitar. A subdued but potent bassline and drawling slide guitar accents imbue the tune with simmering harmonics that gather oomph as the song proceeds. Walker’s gentle rich tenor assumes an optimistic dynamism, as well as an alluring charm.

Simple yet poignant lyrics characterize Walker’s search for real love.

“I want a real love / I want to feel love / And I won’t sit around and cry / You made me let you go / I want to let you know / That I won’t sit around and cry / I gotta’ find a woman loves me, baby / Loves me for who I am / See it’s not the destination it’s the journey / No matter how lonely I am / I want a tender love / Not a deal-ender love / I won’t sit around and cry.”

With “I Won’t Sit Around and Cry,” Jon Patrick Walker reveals his multi-faceted talents. The melody is balanced, while the rhythm is persuasive, and Walker’s vibrant tones add the icing to the musical cake.

Follow John Patrick Walker on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.

