NBA fans react to seeing Kyrie Irving's statement on Israel-Hamas conflict

Dallas Mavericks superstar guard Kyrie Irving took to social media and shared a message amid the chaotic situation in Israel following the terror attacks from Hamas. Things have gone out of control in both Israel and Gaza, with thousands of people having been killed over the past couple of days.

Dallas Mavericks superstar guard Kyrie Irving took to social media and shared a message amid the chaotic situation in Israel following the terror attacks from Hamas. Things have gone out of control in both Israel and Gaza, with thousands of people having been killed over the past couple of days.

"My Heart mourns for all of the innocent lives lost in the crossfires of War. GOD never intended for Humanity to destroy one another. Chief Hélà," Kyrie Irving tweeted.

Fans responded to his tweet, with others saying he should choose a side, while others praised him for his stance.

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Irving statement on X
"Pick a side," a user wrote.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"Kyrie out here trying to end war," another one posted.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"There is no black and white, there is no good guys and bad guys. War is grey and it's messy. Prayers to the families affected in this violence and may God protect us all," another one tweeted.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"well said, let's stop this and have piece," another one wrote.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"unironically the best statement I have seen," a user tweeted.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"very well said," another one wrote.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"Why not stand with Israel? Palestine is the issue here," another user told Kyrie Irving.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"Thank you Kyrie for caring about the innocent Palestinians, too," another one said.
fans reactions to Irving's statement
"A lot of innocent lives lost due to mankind unpredictable ways, it is definitely something other God at play," another one wrote.
fans reactions to Irving's statement

Kyrie Irving addresses decision to stay with the Mavs in the offseason

Kyrie Irving hit free agency in the summer, but immediately agreed to a three-year deal with the Dallas Mavericks, worth a total of $126 million, to return to the team.

The superstar guard explored his options in free agency, but viewed Dallas as his No.1 option, and explained why re-signing with the Mavs was the best decision for him.

"So I took everything into account," Irving told reporters during the Mavs' Media Day, via Tim MacMahon of ESPN. "I took my time a few days before free agency just to be with my family, gauge how they felt about being in Dallas alongside me. And everybody was excited. I mean, even when I got traded here, midseason, a lot of my family was excited and they were just looking forward to me having a peace of mind just on the court and off the court." "So I think this is the best place to do it and continue to mature and grow as a man," he added.

After missing the playoffs last year, Dallas is in a win-now mode and can't afford a second straight losing season. The chemistry between Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving will be key for the team moving forward and the Mavs are hopeful the two superstars will lead the team to a deep postseason run and a shot at the title.

Kyrie Irving appeared in 60 games last season between the Mavs and the Brooklyn Nets, averaging 27.1 ppg, 5.1 rpg and 5.5 apg, on 37.9 percent from beyond the arc

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