Southern Charms Naomie Olindo got a new nose: Plastic surgery shouldnt be taboo

First of all, I hadnt heard of this woman before this story either, but I like to cover it when reality stars come clean about plastic surgery and injectables. Naomie Olindo is 25 and she stars on the show Southern Charm. I dont watch many reality shows and I dont catch this one so if

First of all, I hadn’t heard of this woman before this story either, but I like to cover it when reality stars come clean about plastic surgery and injectables. Naomie Olindo is 25 and she stars on the show Southern Charm. I don’t watch many reality shows and I don’t catch this one so if you have more information about her please comment with it. Our friends at Reality Tea haven’t covered her much, but apparently she broke up with her boyfriend, Craig, last fall. Their relationship was featured heavily on the show and it was clear they were not compatible, according to RT. Anyway she got a new nose and she looks much different now, so instead of trying to play it off like she didn’t do anything or claiming it was medically necessary (deviated septum is a common celebrity tactic) she owned it, and said she wishes she did it sooner. Naomie didn’t immediately post about this though, she posted a photo of her face (the “after” picture above, the before photo is from August) and when commenters pointed out that she looked different, that’s when she came clean about it.

On Thursday’s post, a slew of fans commented that the reality star’s face looked different than it had previously.

A day later, Olindo wrote in the comments section that she had in fact gotten a “new” nose, using a nose emoji to reveal the news.

The 28-year-old added in the comments section, “No point in hiding ANYthing.” The personality also revealed that she had had the surgery 13 days prior and that there was still swelling.

To one fan who criticized her decision, Olindo wrote, “You are part of the problem. If someone doesn’t like something about themselves and has the opportunity to change it, do you think they shouldn’t because ‘beauty comes from within’? It’s a very personal choice and thank god I feel so secure + happy about my decision that nothing pea minds like you could ever say would ever affect how I feel now. Use your brain.”

On Friday, Olindo elaborated more about her surgery to Bravo TV’s The Lookbook: “Getting my nose done was something I’ve wanted since I was eight years old. It’s still early in my recovery but I’ve never been happier. My surgeon, Dr. [A Joshua] Zimm, did the most amazing job and my only regret is not having done it sooner! Plastic surgery shouldn’t be taboo.”

The candid star added, “If there’s something about yourself that you don’t like and you have the opportunity to change it, why wouldn’t you? I did it for me and no one else and want to be as open as possible about it. I’m so happy with my decision and would do it 100 times over.”

[From E!]

I’m impressed that she used “affect” correctly. Well more power to her. She was gorgeous before but she definitely looks different now. As I often say when I cover these type of stories, how does that affect your self image? Like I have a hard time getting used to a new haircut or different color eyeshadow palette, how do you deal with it when you look like a completely different person? I’m asking for myself because I’m considering getting something at some point. My mom had a face lift and while the recovery was a bitch she loves the results. She looks great too and not overdone. So maybe Naomie coming clean about this will encourage other women who can afford it to just go for it if they want a change. I don’t know if that’s a great thing, but it does reduce the stigma as she mentioned.

I am wondering about sending a potato in the mail and now I want to send one to my bestie. Apparently you can do this for $10. (Not a paid endorsement.)

