What is Victor Wembanyama's parents' nationality? Taking a closer look

Victor Wembanyama, the 7-foot-4 French draft prospect, has taken the basketball world by storm and emerged as the clear frontrunner for the No. 1 pick in the 2023 NBA draft. With his extraordinary blend of size and guard-like skills, Wembanyama is regarded as a generational talent. While his basketball prowess has garnered attention, little is

Victor Wembanyama, the 7-foot-4 French draft prospect, has taken the basketball world by storm and emerged as the clear frontrunner for the No. 1 pick in the 2023 NBA draft. With his extraordinary blend of size and guard-like skills, Wembanyama is regarded as a generational talent. While his basketball prowess has garnered attention, little is known about his parents.

Victor Wembanyama's parents are Felix Wembanyama and Elodie de Fautereau. His father, Felix, hails from Congolese descent, while his mother, Elodie, is of Caucasian heritage and was born and raised in France. Wembanyama himself was born in Le Chesnay, France.

Interestingly, Wembanyama's father was not a basketball player but a track and field athlete who excelled in high jump, long jump, and triple jump events. On the other hand, his mother had a professional basketball career before transitioning into coaching youth basketball.

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The towering French star seems to have inherited his height from his parents, and then some. Wembanyama's father stands at 6-foot-6, while his mother measures 6-foot-3.

Speaking of his budding basketball career in 2022, Wembanyama told Slam that basketball has always been a part of his family:

"I mean, I had the choice and I still have the choice to play or not play basketball, but basketball has always been around," Wembanyama said. “I can’t avoid it in my family.”

Wembanyama added that he has more in common with his mother than his father:

"She’s more like me. We really look alike, and she’s kind of eccentric sometimes,” Wembanyama said.

Victor Wembanyama reacts to San Antonio Spurs landing No. 1 pick in 2023 NBA draft lottery

French draft prospect Victor Wembanyama

The San Antonio Spurs were the big winners of the 2023 NBA draft lottery on Tuesday night. This came as they landed the No. 1 pick and the chance to draft top prospect Victor Wembanyama. Following the reveal of the draft order, Wembanyama was interviewed live from France about his reaction to the Spurs landing the top pick. Wembanyama spoke about his excitement before going on to set a very high goal for himself:

“My heart's beating. I got everyone I love, everyone I know around me,” Wembanyama said. “It's really a special moment I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life. “I'm gonna (do) everything to win as many games as possible. I'm trying to win a ring ASAP, so be ready.”

Wembanyama is profiled as an all-around player, capable of making shots from deep and being a defensive menace in the interior. He has already been likened to greats like Tim Duncan and could end up emulating the Spurs legend if things go according to plan.

Wembanyama is averaging 21.6 points, 10.5 rebounds, 2.5 assists, 3.1 blocks and 1.4 3-pointers per game on 46.8% shooting through 33 games for Metropolitans 92.

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