Who are Natasha Cloud's parents? All about her family amid USA trash comment controversy

Natasha Cloud of the Washington Wizards recently found herself in hot water after calling the United States of America "trash" in a rant on Twitter. Cloud called out several aspects of US society such as racism, politics, religion and police violence.

Natasha Cloud of the Washington Wizards recently found herself in hot water after calling the United States of America "trash" in a rant on Twitter. Cloud called out several aspects of US society such as racism, politics, religion and police violence.

But before we take a dive into what the WNBA star said, let's take a look at her personal life. She was born on February 22, 1992, in Broomall, Pennsylvania to parents Emil and Sharon Cloud.

According to a report by The Washingtonian, Emil is not Natasha's biological father since both her parents are White. The report noted that the Mystics guard's real father is a Black man her mother had an affair with during a difficult time in the couple's marriage.

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The 31-year-old player grew up with four older White siblings. Her parents told her the truth when she turned 18 and it did not change her relationship with them. She considers Emil his true father because he worked two jobs and loved her despite what happened.

The Cloud family was very close when Natasha was growing up but all changed in 2020 when her siblings voted for Donald Trump. Natasha had to block her only brother Eric from social media because he was trolling her and calling her out for being woke.

"I could see how she might be upset," Eric said. "I did respond to one of her social media posts by saying she was a puppet for Converse, that she wouldn't post over-the-top social-activist stuff if she didn't have that endorsement deal."

Natasha Cloud's mother Sharon told The Washingtonian that she regrets not discussing race with her kids when they were growing up.

"We were blind to a lot of that," Sharon said. "She was just one of us. We didn't see it as a Black-and-white thing. But now I realize. ... And I'm just sick about it."

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What did Natasha Cloud say about the USA?

Natasha Cloud of the Washington Mystics.

Natasha Cloud went on a Twitter rant late last week, calling the United States of America "trash." Cloud wants the oppression of minorities and the LGBTQ+ communities to stop.

"Our country is trash in so many ways, and instead of using our resources to make it better, we continue to oppress Marginalized groups that we have targeted since the beginning of times," Cloud tweeted last week. "Black/brown communities& LGBTQ+ man we are too powerful to still be attacking issues separate."

Despite drawing a lot of criticism for her comments, Cloud didn't apologize and doubled down on her take. She laughed at people telling her to move to Russia or China while also claiming that cops are killing people. She also called for better prison sentencing and not focus on one race.

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